Sunday, April 15, 2012

Teenage paedophile broke into school to steal gym clothing

This is another story of a young man who is a pedophile. His parents found child sexual abuse media in his room when he was 15 and told the authorities. He was found to be in possession of more child sexual abuse media in 2009 and 2010. Then he got arrested again for breaking into a school and stealing girls gym clothes. In all likelihood his behavior would have escalated to the point where his crime would lead to him physically harming a child. Hopefully it never will. I hope that he does benefit from some type of therapy. The most important thing for him is to deal with his level of denial. My understanding of sexual offenders is that they have such a high level of denial that breaking through is very hard. I hope they are able to trace the media he had to the people who made it and the children who were being abused to make it. Rosie

Photograph of the Author

JAIL TERM: Phillip Kirk  
JAIL TERM: Phillip Kirk 
A TEENAGE paedophile with a fetish for girls’ clothing has been jailed for breaking into a primary school to steal gym kits.
Police found the sportswear in Phillip Kirk’s bedroom, along with a coat he had stuffed with a duvet – with which he simulated sex.
Officers traced Kirk after he left a wallet containing his driving licence at the scene near Northallerton, North Yorkshire, last September.
When his computers were examined, experts found more than 2,500 indecent images of children, Teesside Crown Court heard.
After being questioned and released on bail, the 18-yearold college student bought another laptop and downloaded more indecent pictures.

 The court heard that more than 2,000 images – some in the most serious category – had been made before his second arrest two months later.
Tamara Pawson, prosecuting, said: “He said he got sexual gratification from the clothes, as well as the images.”
The court heard that Kirk was convicted in 2010 and last year for possessing indecent images and received a warning in 2009 when he was 15.
Miss Pawson told Judge Peter Fox that, on one occasion, Kirk’s parents called police when they found pictures in his bedroom. When he was 15, Kirk was cautioned for possessing child pornography and trying to access pictures on his school computer system.
Judge Fox told him: “If you go on, you could be spending the rest of your life in prison.”
Kirk, of Fernwood Close, Northallerton, was jailed for three years after he admitted making and possessing indecent photographs and burglary.
The court heard he broke into Brompton Primary School, tried to get onto the computer network and rummaged through gym bags. His barrister, Carl Swift, said: “There is hope that, with assistance, he will not blight his life forever.”


  1. he will be at it again the minit he gets out. lock him up and throw the key away. he will hurt some poor child when he is released.

  2. You are probably right, unfortunately. This is a hard mental illness to treat. Usually because the level of denial is so great. And because some pedophiles believe they are born with that "sexual orientation." I honestly believe they are made and it is possible that some type of anomaly happens for some that creates them. Thanks for stopping by and posting a comment. Come back anytime. Rosie

  3. You have no credentials to make such a diagnosis.

  4. What do you call someone who sexually abuses children? And who grooms them with the intent of sexually abusing them? According to the DSM-IV Pedophilia is:
    A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
    B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
    C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.
