There seems to be an issue with getting to my blog pages in December.

Update: I have added a disclaimer on the right hand side of the page to let viewers know of the content.
Update:  I was able to add a page to the blog called December 2011 blog posts. I copied and pasted links to that page. I now have all of the posts up. I am going to change who can come to the blog. I didn't have a block for content but since I am writing about things that kids shouldn't see I feel I need to do that.

I am sorry to my readers. For some reason there is a problem getting to any of my blog posts for December except the one's on the current page. I have been writing about FMSwordF and their connection to pedophilia. I have gone to boy chat and posted some of what they discussed there. It is possible that Blogspot has blocked them for some reason. Or that someone reported my site so they blocked them.  I have written to them and have asked for an explanation. I can't re- post the posts  because then only two show up on the page at a time. I have changed my viewing page to extend the number of posts viewed and that has not helped. It was working fine at 7:30 am so something happened after that. I am really sorry as soon as I can get it fixed I will. I promise to still write about important topics. I will let you know what blog spot tells me. Again, sorry Rosie

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