Monday, December 19, 2011

Here Goes FMSwordF's proof that FMSword Exists.

I have been looking at the FMSwordF page for a little while now. One of the things that I noticed is that most of there data on their web site is very outdated. They quote the APA often and use their words out of context. I copied and pasted the quotes they use on their page from the APA into Google and none came up anymore. I think if they were still relevant that they would still be available. Here is the APA's page on the topic of child sexual abuse and memory.  These pages from the APA website do not support that FMSword exists. The APA doesn't have enough validated empirical evidence on trauma and memory. They suggest that before any definitive answers about childhood sexual abuse and trauma pertaining to memory that, more research needs to be completed. Below is the list of the research that the APA feels needs to happen in order to have definitive, empirical evidence on memory and childhood sexual abuse. I did not find anything pertaining to memory and the FMSword, period.

  • Research to provide a better understanding of the mechanism by which accurate or inaccurate recollections of events may be created;
  • Research to ascertain which clinical techniques are most likely to lead to the creation of pseudomemories and which techniques are most effective in creating the conditions under which actual events of childhood abuse can be remembered with accuracy;
  • Research to ascertain how trauma and traumatic response impact the memory process;
  • Research to ascertain if some people are more susceptible than others to memory suggestion and alteration and if so, why.
 The following are two definitions that FMSwordF claim proves that FMSword is real.

           FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME: a psychological condition in which a person
          remembers events that have not actually occurred. (Random House
          Compact Unabridged Dictionary, Special Second Edition, 1996, Addenda)

I went and checked out this book on On page 401 of the book there is a statement that the information on FMSword came from the FMSwordF. That isn't scientific evidence. They are spewing their own venom. Scientific data needs to be pure scientific data.

          FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME: a situation in which examination, therapy or hypnosis has
          elicited apparent memories, especially of childhood abuse, that are disputed by family
          members and are often traumatic to the patient. (Encarta Dictionary, 1999, published by St.
          Martins, owned by Microsoft)

I don't know about you but I think  having something named a syndrome in the dictionary isn't proof it exists. I was talking to my son about this and he told me to ask the FMSwordF if they believe in UNICORNS because they are in several dictionary's. He made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to have to pull over on the side of the road. I am not going to go through dictionary(s) and see how many other syndromes are in them and then compare them against the DSM IV or ICD Codes 9 or 10. Although I agree with my son it would be funny to do . I'll have more abut this tomorrow, Rosie

When I looked up a source on the FMSwordF web page "Reported Recovered Memories of Child
 Sexual Abuse, 1997. (UK)" It lead directly to this page. When I opened up the page it has the same exact color and graphics as the FMSwordF web page. Check it out for yourself. Same with this page- I tried to go to stop the bad therapy page and it doesn't exist anymore. today. This is another page that lead back to the FMSwordF page.

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