Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My realization that hating fake people is directly related to surviving ritual abuse.

All of my life my experience with people who are not real has actually driven me crazy. I have gone into post traumatic stress over this several times in my life. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I am in the process of experiencing another person who represented themselves to be one way but were not at all who they projected them self to be. It is naive of me to think that a person should be who they project themselves to be and not some liar. I know both personally and professionally that people are products of their environments. When you survive ritual abuse there are people involved in the cult that are upstanding members of society. I know that people will say, "This chick is crazy with her babbling about ritual abuse. It doesn't exist why the heck does she keep talking about it." I talk about it because it is real. I am evidence that it is real.

Some of the people involved were doctors, interestingly very prominent doctors. Some were business people, some were very religious, and all that I remember were very intelligent. If you knew them professionally, knew them from church, met them at functions in their community, were friends or acquaintances of theirs and weren't in the cult, you would never suspect what they did to little children. Who they worshiped. How low they would go to obtain power from such an evil force they risked going to eternity in hell because of it. That was one of the things I thought about as a small child. I can remember thinking how crazy these people were. I can remember thinking I wasn't going to go to hell. I was actually surviving hell, but wasn't going to go there for eternity if I could help it.

Every time I saw someone in my community that was involved in the cult I would go into a panic attack because these lovely, upstanding members of society had programmed me by telling me; if you remember we will know, if you remember we will kill you, and if you remember you will die. Why did they do this? Not for my sake. Nope, for theirs of course. If I remembered who they were they would be found out to be the bastards they are. This is why I can't stand people who lie, why I can't stand people who have to manipulate, can't stand people who can't just be upfront and forthright. I am mad writing this. I can't believe it has taken me to be 50 years old to realize that my experience with the ultimate liars is why I can't stand liars. I couldn't trust sh##. When I told my mother, Ruth what was going on all she would say is, "It was just a bad dream." My own mother wasn't who she was projecting herself to be. It amazes me that I am still just a person who is, who she says she is, and nothing more. I don't pretend to be something or someone I am not. I wish life was simple and that you could trust everyone you ever met in your life, but unfortunately this isn't true. It sucks, but it isn't true. I am pissed for all of the children right now who are experiencing what I did as a child. I am pissed because society doesn't want to acknowledge that ritual abuse occurs so more children have to suffer. They are forced to do things that no child should ever be forced to do. What evil! and the reality is that because we as a society, country and world won't do more to protect children against ritual abuse Evil has won. I hope everyone is very happy with themselves for this. I for one am sick over this. I am going to continue screaming from the highest mountains, RITUAL ABUSE OCCURS! RITUAL ABUSE IS REAL! HELP THE CHILDREN! HELP THE CHILDREN NOW! GOD HELP THE CHILDREN! Angry and frustrated, Rosie

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