Thursday, November 24, 2011

I have posted a challange to Douglas Mesner

Good evening, I have been following a blog by Jeaneatte Bartha at The name of her blog is Multiple Personalities Don't Exist. This evening I decided to do some research into her story. I want to know more about her story. That is what I like about blogging, you get to know people's stories that you otherwise wouldn't. I found an article from David Mesner on a site called THE PROCESS IS at I found an interview that Mr. Mesner did with Ms. Bartha in 2009 here is the link to the article.
I found the interview well done and recommend reading it. After reading this article I decided to do some research on Mr. Mesner and he delves into what he believes is skeptical. He has articles on people who claim to survive being abducted by aliens and especially focuses in on SRA, DID and inappropriate therapies. I think his level of skepticism is good. I'm not sure he is without an agenda. After reading several of his articles I decided to leave him a comment. I have copied and pasted it below. I challenged him to interview me. I hope he takes me up on it. It would be wonderful to have a skeptic interview me and investigate my story. To be honest I am sick to death of hearing that RA or SRA doesn't exist. Are their stories that are out there that might not be true, yes. I am very frustrated as a survivor to have some people automatically debunk what I have gone through without interviewing and investigating my story. I am up to the challenge. Something to be thankful for today! Blessings, Rosie
rosie0161 November 24, 2011 6:46 pm
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Hi Mr. Mesner,
I think this article is well done. It shows what can happen when a doctor thinks they are the one’s that know what a patient has experienced. I have no use for psychiatrists, psychologists or therapists who tell their patients that because they are displaying certain behaviors means that they have had to survived certain things. I think getting the word out on this is very important. I also do not support anyone with an agenda. I think any professional that takes advantage of a client is terrible unethical and wrong.
I want to challenge you on something. I am at the other end of the spectrum. I have never had a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist tell me what they thought was wrong with me or recovered memories for me. I was raised by a mother, Ruth who was into the occult, did seances, Ouija board, put spells on people and was involved in a cult that practiced the occult. There were people in her life that were terrified of her because of this. I remember at the age of 4 being put into a cellar stairway. At the top of the stairs was a statute of satan and I was put at the bottom of the stairs. I was being told that I needed to denounce God. I would tell Ruth about this happening and she would tell me that I had just had a bad dream. I survived terrible things at the hands of these people. Unfortunately there are people who do practice things that are so bizarre the media chooses to not believe.
My challenge to you is to interview me. Take my story apart be as skeptical as you seem to be. The whole debunking of SRA has been terrible for people like myself who have really, honestly survived it. It has done a grave injustice to what, for some people is very real. I wasn’t a high priestess, I wasn’t made to marry satan, I wasn't buried in a coffin underground but, I did witness and participate in terrible things. My therapists never did “regressive or repressed memory therapy”. I do have traumatic amnesia, PTSD, panic and anxiety disorder due to what I survived. I am just now talking about this at the age of 50. Who the heck would really want to survive what I have survived. I am not crazy, I am a well adjusted professional. Who despite a childhood filled with extreme abuse, sexual, neglect, and physical has gone on to have a productive life. It hasn’t always been an easy life. I have had to get through many things but have managed to do well. I have a blog that shares not only my story, but that I would like to end up being a clearinghouse of sources for people who have survived multiple traumas in their lives. The reality is that there are extensive long term repercussions for survivors of child abuse. Our society as a whole doesn’t do enough about it. I would like to start a revolution to end child abuse. Please visit my blog at Please take me up on my challenge. I would find it an honor if you did. Rosie

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