Friday, November 11, 2011

Article from CNN on the Penn State Coverup of Sexual Abuse

This whole situation stinks like a pile of manure. It is unbelievable how this was let to happen. All I can see when I look at this story is that bad things, terrible things can happen and people cover it up. The whole system was corrupt why? because of money. Sports are a big thing and the University didn't want to risk its image being tainted with this coming out. I don't know how they can sleep at night. When a child suffers something like this and no adult tries to help it hurts their very soul.

The unfortunate reality of is that stuff like this happens all of the time and is covered up. I don't understand why when their is evidence of adults hurting children that society doesn't believe in ritual abuse. How is the covering up of ritual abuse any different then covering up child sexual abuse. Both go hand and hand. I don't think there is any survivor of ritual abuse that hasn't been sexually abused as well. Sickens and frustrates me, Rosie

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