Thursday, May 17, 2012

Receiving threats on my blog.

Recently I posted a video on my You Tube page. I watched a video by a woman named Paula Gloria who did an interview with two convicted child sexual offenders who wrote books. The premise of the show was to discuss how the Sexual Offender Registry needs to be abolished. Even though I write on this topic almost daily, I to believe that the SOR needs to be overhauled because their are problems with it. Especially when it comes to teenage consensual sexual relationships. The problem I have with it being overhauled is that there are those who are pushing this agenda who have ended up on the registry because as an adult (someone over the age of 18) they sexually abused a child. Several people in the SOR movement were convicted and are on the SOR for sexually abusing a child or children.

The two male participants on Paula Gloria's show were both arrested, were convicted and went to jail for sexually abusing minors. I shared this on the comment section of the video because the video downplayed and made the two convicted child sexual offenders look like victims. Somehow they were taken down and Paula Gloria was upset because she felt I posted comments and then took them down. This is one of her comments to me: if u are a Rosie you sound like the C$#T in Ken's book that stole his business using the registry as a front. This is the second comment: Like I say put your money where your mouth is...if you want to leave comments and take no responsibility by later removing them then don't leave comments in the first place. I see a different name but smell the same ahole here. I hate the c word I think it is one of the most disgusting vile words. What happened is that Paula Gloria blocked me (which is her right!) after leaving these comments. I don't blame her for being upset that my comments somehow disappeared because it looked like a cowardly thing for someone to do.

I did a video on her comments and the two convicted child sexual offenders. I believe that people have the right to know who is involved with trying to abolish the SOR (that is not to say that there are not those involved in trying to overhaul the SOR that aren't good people who have valid concerns). When I went to my YT page where the video is there were at least 11 comments by one of the convicted child sexual offenders from two of his YT pages.  One page clearly shows him in at least 4 videos so there is no denying it is his page. He threatened me several times. He bullied me and found my personal identifying information and posted it on my YT page. I filed cyber bullying changes against him on YT. I believe this was done because this is the tactic of some of those involved with abolishing the SOR. They seem to personally attack as opposed to having a dialog. When I posted that I had notified YT of his behavior within an hour he went back to my YT video and deleted all of his comments. This is the link to the video you can see where there was interactions between him and others. When you hit on his comment a box pops up that says this comment is no longer available.

When I came to my blog this evening I found another threat by someone named Mary. I'll let the reader decide if she was threatening or not.
Wow. Saw your YouTube Video in which you harass people trying to have a reasoned conversation about the sex offender registry. Did a quick search on your name, and lo! you have a blog about what? Redemption? Nope. Just more crazy obsessed rantings. You are clearly moving in a direction that is going to get you into legal trouble (defamation) and this certainly cannot be good for your well-being. Pretty sure your employer will not be happy about your online activities.

  1. Hello Mary,

    I think threatening and bullying me is ironic since you are claiming that I am harassing people. Ironically I believe that the SOR does need to be overhauled. I just don't think that pedophiles should be heading the movement. Thanks for posting because if I need to get the police involved I have evidence of your harassing. If you want to have an intelligent, constructive discussion I am glad to. I won't be a party to trying to bully people and threatening them. Rosie


  1. Here's a thought, if you leave people alone and not make videos harassing people, then those people leave you be. If you don't like your personal info out there then don't do it to others.

    If you think it is your right to post info about people out there then it is the right of your victims to retaliate and warn people about the threat you pose and post your personal information out there.

    In the future you should give more thought to who you decide to target and who you choose to support.

    1. The only thing that I was doing was showing a different side to the story that Paula Gloria's interview showed. I am officially asking you to stop coming to my page and to stop harassing me under all of your alias's. I know this is Derek Louge and by law I have to formally request for you to stop harassing me. I have notified the police this is going on and am going to the FBI. Cyberbullying is against the law this is ohio's stalking law which I will post in full detail on this blog also

  2. Much of your blog posts bothers me, but I will refrain from bashing you as I believe it serves no purpose to strike back and stoop to your level of harrassment and underhandedness. But, one of the other things that bothers me here is that you claim sex offenders are heading this movement to abolish the sex offender registry. Funny that you don't even mention the third author in the Paula Gloria show AT ALL. What am I, chopped liver? I am NOT a sex offender but as a wife of one, I am greatly affected by and punished by the SOR as if I myself committed the crime. I wrote a book, Consensual Consequences, and I am currently serving as CEO of SOSEN. By many, I am considerd a "leader" in this movement and yet you fail to even acknowledge that there are as many non-sex offenders as sex offenders -if not more than- heading up this movement. If you are going to be blogging about things you don't know, then perhaps you should get all the facts straight first.

    1. I was showing a different side of the interview then was shown. I did nothing underhanded I was completely honest with what I did. I didn't mention you because you are not an adult who had sex with a child or children and went to jail and is on the sexual offender registry. While you are a non-offender you are married to an offender. I have said before that the movement to abolish the sexual offender registry is not only driven by sexual offenders, pedophilic child sexual predators but the families of them as well. Some for very good reason. So I didn't leave you out. I have also said before that the SOR does need to be overhauled especially for Romeo and Juliet offenders. I just don't think that people who have sexually abused a child under the age of consent (16 in most US State)who are a pedophile should be included in those who shouldn't be on the registry. There is no known cure for pedophilia. I know the theory that most offenders are first time offenders and not on the registry. This doesn't mean they didn't offend it means they hadn't gotten caught yet. Most pedophiles offend between 100 to 400 times before they are caught. Although I know that there are pedophiles who wouldn't harm a child period because they know that having a sexual relationship with a child is wrong and causes long term effects for the rest of their lives. I appreciate your coming by if you would like to do a blog post on Sosen and your story I will be glad to post it. Change doesn't occur if a common ground isn't found. Rosie

    2. You are using the word "pedophile" very loosely. Are you aware that a person has to be clinically diagnosed as a pedophile by a professional psychiatrist? You cannot just willy-nilly call someone a pedophile and to do so without the facts is name-calling slanderous behaviour that could result in a lawsuit.

      Have you even looked up the definition of a pedophile? Pedophiles are people with an attraction to pre-pubescent children. Ken's victims were definitely past puberty and Ken has never been diagnosed with pedophilia. Derek's crime was simply kissing an 11 year old girl. Granted, she was young, but it is quite possible she was physically developed. Derek has never been diagnosed with pedophilia either. It is just wrong for you to call people pedophiles just because you think they are. Wrong!

      And where do you get that pedophiles cannot be cured or that they each have hundreds of victims? Where are your facts?

    3. Dr. Drew used the word pedophile in your interview with him on Dec of 2011. I didn't use that word in relationship to your husband. Both men you mention were arrested, tried and convicted of crimes having to do with sex with children and are on the sexual offender registry. I didn't make that up. The legal system made that determination. It is one thing to be a teenager having sex with another teenager it is quite different when an adult (over the age of 18) has a sexual relationship with a child. What bothers me is how the victims in these crimes just seem to get ignored within the context of the movement to abolish the SOR. It's like what happened to them isn't important. The long term effects of child sexual abuse are devastating. As much as those in the movement to abolish the SOR are upset at how sexual offenders are treated, victims/survivors are upset with how they are treated. Do you have data on how many victims/survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of someone on the registry are involved in the movement to abolish the SOR? I do know of cases with the Romeo and Juliette situation where this occurs, but I am asking about a child under the age of consent that was sexually abused by an adult over the age of 18 and at least 5 years older then the sexual offender? Are Ken, Derek or your husbands victims/survivors involved with the movement to abolish the registry? It would be interesting to hear their side of the story. I suspect victims would be afraid to come forward as the level of harassment is very high around this topic. I am astounded that those in the abolishment movement make claims of how sexual offenders are treated as second class citizens and are harassed, and share their experiences with the impact on their lives. Yet my experience with some in the movement to abolish the SOR is that those like myself who are trying to protect children are harassed, and threatened yet that is okay. This is a double standard. Maybe they should practice what they preach. The level of vigilantism I am receiving right now is ridiculous. Just because I pointed out what is common knowledge on the internet. It is like if someone doesn't agree with the abolishment movement they are scum. I will continue my fight to educate on child sexual offenders. That won't stop.

  3. With all due respect Rosie, you know what a pedophile is and what a pedophile isn't. An adult over the age of 18 who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children is the definition of a pedophile. An adult who is sexually active with a teenager is NOT a pedophile. They are engaging in illegal activity that should certainly be punished, but it's not called pedophilia.

    1. Hi Shana according to the DSM IV: Pedophilia
      A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
      B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
      C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

      Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13- year-old.

      Specify if:
      Sexually Attracted to Males
      Sexually Attracted to Females
      Sexually Attracted to Both
      Specify if:
      Limited to Incest
      Specify type:
      Exclusive Type (attracted only to children)
      Nonexclusive Type

      There is updated recommendations on the DSMV page. Pedophilic Disorder

      A. Over a period of at least 6 months, an equal or greater sexual arousal from prepubescent or early pubescent children than from physically mature persons, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.

      B. The individual has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

      C. The individual must be at least 18 years of age and at least 5 years older than the children in Criterion A.

      Specify type:

      Classic Type—Sexually Attracted to Prepubescent Children (Tanner Stage 1)

      Hebephilic Type—Sexually Attracted to Early Pubescent Children (Tanner Stages 2-3)

      Pedohebephilic Type—Sexually Attracted to Both

      Specify type:

      Sexually Attracted to Males

      Sexually Attracted to Females

      Sexually Attracted to Both

      11 isn't a teenager a child of 11 is in puberty. Any person who grooms and sexually abuses a child is wrong period. According to the law the Age of Consent in the US on average is 16 years old. I hope you don't agree with Derek Louge that harassing and bullying is the appropriate way to make change happen. I have never been arrested, let alone been to jail for sexually abusing a child and am not on the sexual offend registry for it. I have never said every person who is involved in the movement to abolish the registry is a pedophile. I have said that some are and they are part of pushing to be taken off the registry. That is my concern. Children need to be protected from adults who feel having sexual relationships with them is okay.

    2. I do not believe that being divisive will get us anywhere. That is why I usually steer clear of situations like this. I feel it makes it personal and hurtful rather than the broad, encompassing nation-wide issue it truly is. Bullying shows desperation, not confidence. I know, having been personally targeted by certain individuals in the past. It accomplishes nothing. I'm really not even speaking about that, I don't want to be involved in the back-and-forth. I just had an issue with the broad use of the term pedophile. What about an 11 year old who looks, acts, and talks like someone much older? Again, sexual contact with someone of that age is illegal and should be punished, BUT it doesn't necessarily mean the perpetrator is pedophilic. I'm not defending anyone personally, I am just trying to be very clear because it doesn't do any good for anyone to "treat" someone as something they're not.

    3. Hi Shana,

      I too, agree that being devise isn't going to get anywhere. Where I come from on the topic is that a child doesn't reach puberty until well into their teens. The age of consents laws in the US on average is 16. With eleven states being 17 and some I believe seven where the age of consent is 18. I am bothered by the fact that the age of consent laws seem unimportant when dealing with a child being sexually abused and the movement to abolish the SOR. I have also read on different blogs that some of those in the movement believe that a person who survives sexual abuse brings it on themselves. I can assure you I in now way as a child brought on my own sexual abuse. I was abused by adults who thought it was okay to sexually abuse a child. IMO it is never okay to sexually abuse a child. The long term effects of my surviving what I have caused years of dealing with severe PTSD, panic attacks and agoraphobia. Fortunately I am at a place that the panic attacks are under control, I'm no longer agoraphobic and my PTSD is where I can handle it. I have worked hard in my life to get where I am. I understand when you share stories of you fiancee's childhood. Mine was horrific and I empathize with what he went through. I have said before that he is lucky to have you. Thank you for stopping by. Rosie
