Sunday, May 27, 2012

Predator aged just 12 admits raping girl, 9, after watching internet porn

This is a tough article. It is the story of a twelve year old boy who raped and sexually assaulted a nine year old girl. Apparently he had watched porn on his computer at home which led to the three incidents. What do you do in a situation like this? Would the child have raped or sexually assaulted the young girl without viewing the porn? Is this proof that children are negatively affected by pornography? Why were their no filters on his computer to prevent him from accessing porn? Where was the computer? This child is already being called a predator and he is just fourteen years old. The nine year old girl will now carry the burden of the life sentence that comes with surviving child sexual abuse. Two lives that are forever changed because a twelve year old child was able to access porn. How much guilt is this fourteen year old carrying? Does he even understand the impact his behavior has had on the nine year old? IMO he doesn't. He is a fourteen year old child who watched something at twelve, that is purposely meant to arouse and more then likely didn't know what to do with his arousal. So he made the choice to sexually abuse a nine year old neighbor.

I hope the unit this boy is in provides good treatment for his offenses. Hopefully he will be taught that what he did was wrong and the impact his decision made on the little girl. It would be wonderful if when he is older he starts talking about how the impact of viewing pornography at such a young age effected his life. He may be able to help a lot of children in the future to not look at porn. I am guessing that he won't be allowed computer privileges for many years as a part of his sentencing. I am hoping the girl is getting good treatment and is able to escape the downward slope that can occur to many who survive child sexual abuse. Obviously more research needs to occur on the effects of pornography on children. Let's hope their is more research. Rosie

schoolgirl rape generic Image 1
A SCHOOLBOY has admitted raping a nine-year-old girl who lived next door to him.
The boy – just 12 at the time of the attacks – stood shaking in the dock at the High Court in Edinburgh as he pleaded guilty to one charge of rape and two of sexual assault.
Senior sources close to the investigation said the boy, who has just turned 14, had accessed computer porn before he carried out the sickening offences. The rapist’s mum, who sat on the public benches just a few feet from her son, wept throughout the 20-minute hearing and was comforted by her own mother.
 The teenager’s crimes came to light when his young victim felt ill one day and told her mother she feared there was “a baby in my tummy”.The subsequent police probe shocked the isle of Skye community in which the offences took place.
The boy left the area after being charged by police and was placed in a secure unit hundreds of miles away.
Before that he had lived with his mother, who was bringing him up alone after a split from his father.
The mousey- haired youngster first appeared in court last year.
He appeared in ­private, accompanied by his mother and defence lawyer Duncan Burd, before Sheriff Alasdair MacFadyen at Portree ­Sheriff Court on Skye.
He was initially charged on three counts of rape under Section 18 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act but admitted one rape and two sexual assaults.
As the victim was under 13, the law does not consider her of an age where she would be able to give consent for sexual activity.
The sexual assaults took place between December 2010 and January 2011 in a shed in the garden of the girl’s home.
The rape took place in the boy’s bedroom around the same time.
Advocate Sean Templeton told judge Lady Smith nothing would be said in the boy’s defence or any explanation of his behaviour given at this stage.
At a hearing three weeks ago, the judge deferred sentence until May 31 for social work and Children’s Panel reports.
It is understood that after his High Court appearance the boy returned to the secure unit.


  1. this article is full of shit, go die in a fire!

    1. Wow! sorry that the article upset you. I didn't write the article. I only wrote in response to it. It would be great if you choose to leave comments in the future to refrain from saying hateful things. I am very open to a dialog as I believe that is how to educate the public on child sexual abuse. Making statements that don't lead to some type of constructive dialog aren't productive. Rosie
