Monday, January 2, 2012

I didn’t have internet for a day or so.

I am still traveling for the holiday's and one of my children doesn’t have the internet. So I was without the ability to blog the past day or two. Not having the internet is a good call because of the children.  My daughter doesn’t have to worry if they are being pursued by on-line predators. Honestly she will have to get the internet at some point for their school work. My grandchildren will never know anything but the current and future technology. I for one am going to be involved with teaching them how to use the internet safely. 

It really bothers me that if for some reason my grandchildren were able to get to a pedophile chat site or wiki they would be exposed to the vile discussions and information on those sites. I found newgon wiki on Google just doing some research for this blog. I am sure there is software that will help prevent them from landing on any inappropriate sites. I also know that there is always a way around anything. I have had friends children figure out how to get to porn sites even though there was software filters on their computer to prevent that. They told me what words they used to get to the porn sites.  They learned these words from friends at school. Where there is a will there is a way. 

I did go to boy chat to do research a couple of nights ago. I was looking for any investigations of pedophiles that are discussed there. I didn’t get that far because I had to get off the page it made me nauseous. On several of the threads there were discussions about, and links to; videos and pictures of young boys. These pedophiles were giving each other information on how to check out “young, beautiful boys.” One even made the comment on one of the videos that he enjoyed on a you tube page. It said, "easy to masturbate to." I almost threw up. I went to one of the videos on you tube and made the decision to leave a comment on the young mans you tube page. I did it in a discrete way without giving to much information because I didn’t feel it was appropriate to talk about pornography or pedophilia on his you tube page. Then I had to shut off the computer because it was too much. This was a young man trying to promote his musical talent and was being "ogled."

If a young boy or girl wants to promote their singing, acting, dancing, etc. on you tube they need to be aware of the fact that their videos can and will be viewed by some adults inappropriately. I have started a you tube page called, Rosie for change. I am going to start making videos to upload to my page. This topic is going to be the first topic that I discuss. Kid’s use you tube all of the time to both watch and upload videos. I think this is the most important topic that I need to discuss in relation to protecting children on the internet.  I will also be adding videos that I think are important, that pertain to the topics I cover on this blog. 

 It would be a wonderful world if we could trust others with our most precious gifts; children, but we can’t. It is up to the adults in the lives of children to do their best to protect their children from predators. This includes at home. I know of an incident where a 19 year old man touched a 12 year old girl’s breast. There were people who witnessed this. The police were called but couldn’t do anything because of the girl’s age. They needed to get her parents permission to press charges because she was a minor.  The parents were out of town that weekend and the little girl was with friends. When the girl’s parents came home they were notified of this incident and didn’t pursue calling the police to press charges. IMO this sent the wrong message to this little girl that her parents didn't feel that some strange man touching her breast was any big deal. This concerns me because if it were me I would have made sure to press charges. I am hoping this was done in ignorance and not to protect any type of family "secret" that may be going on in this family.

I know sometimes that I discuss "heavy, dark" topics on this blog. I do this because I want to help stop the trauma that I experienced/suffered/survived when I was a child. I didn't have a voice then but, I have a voice now. I did my best to protect my children. They are the first generation in over four generations to not suffer "child sexual abuse." If this is the only thing I have accomplished in my life I did a great thing. I was able to accomplish this in part because I was so hyper vigilant that I am sure I drove them crazy. One can even say "obsessive" about this topic. While I am still "obsessive"
I won't pass this obsessiveness to my grandchildren. I am not their parent, my role is to support their parents and their decisions around raring them. It really does take a village to raise a child. I hope and pray that only good, true, genuine villagers help raise all children.

I am having a terrific time visiting family and friends. I will blog tomorrow, Rosie

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