Tuesday, December 20, 2011

According to the FMSword Page the therapy I received was good and validates my surviving RA.

One of the things that got my attention when I was visiting the FMSwordF site was the information below:


            1. "You have the symptoms of someone who was abused."
            2. "Studies show that (or, my experience is that) most people with [fill in the particular
                diagnosis or symptoms here] were sexually abused."
            3. "If you think you were abused, then you probably were."
            4. "Remembering is essential if you want to be healed."
            5. "This technique (hypnosis, guided imagery, sodium amytal, etc.) is designed to
                 help you remember."
            6. "Suing (forgiving, detaching from, etc.) your family is a necessary part of healing."
            7. "You have to get worse before you get better."
            8. "Your body holds accurate memories of past events."

One of the things I have been SHOUTING from the roof tops is that I have survived ritual abuse and my therapist(s) did not do anything unethical to promote an agenda. They did not implant in my mind that I survived ritual abuse. They did not do any one of these 8 things. I have said before that I have had memories of the ritual abuse all of my life. What I didn't have memories of is the extent of the trauma that I experienced at the hands of those in this "cult." Or the extent of their programming to prevent me from remembering what I had survived. My strongest memories are of being between the ages of 3 and 5 and being put either in a box or in a basement stair well. The intent of the box was for me to denounce God. The stairwell was to make me worship satan. At the top of the stairs was a statue of satan and I would be in that stairwell for hours and hours at a time. I wouldn't even be able to look at that statue I was terrified, cold, but not alone because during all of the abuse I survived as a child God was always there. He couldn't stop the abuse because the one thing that God doesn't have control over is a persons free will. Those involved in this cult believed that if they took away my free will as a child it would give them power.

 I have always been aware of my childhood; sexual, emotional and physical abuse. I didn't know the extent of the sexual abuse. The reason I didn't know was that I was able to dissociate. I have traumatic amnesia and I look at this as a wonderful gift. FMSwordF looks at differently. They feel that if a child is sexually abused there is no proof that they dissociate. They claim that there is no way a child wouldn't remember the details of a traumatic event. I say I am very lucky to have been able to experience the traumatic amnesia.

The reason I was able to remember the extent of both the ritual and sexual abuse was because I was psychologically at a place where I could handle learning the truth. I had gone through the intensive cognitive behavioral therapy at Yale New Haven Hospital. I was put on an antidepressant for the first time in my life. I separated and was in the process of divorcing the children's father. I started my own weekly therapy. I also started going to weekly parent therapy. Both the therapists who treated my children and did the parent therapy were aware of my surviving ritual abuse. Up to that point in my life I had only known how to be raised in a violent home, and how to raise my children in a violent home. In order for me to be a better parent I needed to learn how to parent in a home where there was no violence. I had applied to college, I was taking control over my life and I was an active participate in my community. I also started speaking out against domestic violence in print, at rally's and on the news. It felt good using my voice. It helped me to make sense of what I had gone through. It helped me to help other women and children who survived domestic violence. That is when I was able to remember the events that the traumatic amnesia helped me to forget.

I can say that when I started having the flashbacks of the ritual abuse they were intense. When you experience a flashback it is like you are right there. I have several memories of being immersed in water. As I was reliving my experience I could actually feel water all around me, I can't breath and am gasping for air. Then I could feel the night breeze, smell the air and see the stairs in the sky. I could even see the plant life on the lake. Think about a someone in the military who has survived PTSD due to their fighting in a war. It is like that. The terror was overwhelming and I thought I was going to die. I was experiencing the same level of terror I did when the event took place. The difference was that instead of being a small child I was an adult. It is so unbearable at times to know what that little child went through. As I look at my life I thank God for helping to get me where I am. My road has been bumpy at times but now there is smooth sailing most of the time. So thanks to FMSwordF for posting their 8 possible substandard practices. It helps survivors like myself to prove that we did survivor ritual abuse. Smiling and thanking God, Rosie


  1. Hello again, Rosie. I appreciated the postings about TOR and the Russians, and conventions against human trafficking. Thanks, for those.

    Be cautious about your "investigations", and visiting "boychat". Mike Echols (founder of a now defunct child abuse images awareness organization & website called Better A Millstone) liked to lurk on "BC", sometimes openly baiting or debating the denizens of that place. I don't think that he ever "uncovered" information leading to an arrest, from doing that, but perhaps you'll have better 'luck'.
    If you don't already have it, you should get a copy of "Malwarebytes", (AVG is also good) and run it whenever you are on "BC", to protect your computer.

    I have no problem with the idea that you might have suffered abuse, or even very horrific abuse, in your childhood. As for your claim to be a "ritual abuse" survivor - I've stated before that I have no wish to "shut you up" (or anyone else) - but you need to understand that some things you've said about that, are easily proven to contain false concepts. Repeating false concepts can only hurt you & your "cause. I will try to help you understand these falsehoods, hopefully you will then freely choose to stop repeating them.

    - There is no such thing as "the occult bible".
    (You said: "Fact: the occult bible reads from right to left...")

    - There are no self-professed satanic organizations or traditions whose members believe that "a child denouncing God would give them power", and there is no evidence that a real organization of that nature has ever existed, outside of works of fiction.
    (You said: "I was abused by what I would call a cult. There was between 25 or 30 people involved. They did worship an evil deity who they thought would give them power. Every thing they did was to obtain power. This did involve sexual abuse of me and other children who were involved...I was locked in boxes and basements with the intention of those involved trying to get me to denounce God. They believed that if a child denounces God that they would get power from this".

    Trust me - the reason that idea seems to make sense to you, is that you haven't examined it in depth. I'll try to help you do that:

    -why did these people believe "a child denouncing God would give them power"? Had they done this before, successfuly? How many times? Did you know or meet any of these children? Could it be any child? If a child they never met, living in Albania, denounced God - would the members of this group "obtain power" from that? If not - why not? Did these people in fact possess any form of "power", or were they rather ordinary people like everyone else?

    -what was the nature of this "power" the group members were seeking? Wealth? Political clout? Something more supernatural or "magical"? Where did this "power" come from? Was it generated, by a natural process like physics, when a child denounced God? If so - how could that work? Did it "come from" Satan? Is Satan an "evil God" with power equal to Christ-Jehovah?

    -Aren't there simpler, more direct ways to obtain and excercise power-in-this-life, or power-in-this-world?

  2. Hello Doug Mesner,

    Just to be clear I now believe that you and Gaiain Guy are one in the same. What is your proof that Ritual Abuse isn't real? Please post this on the comment section again so my readers can read your proof.

    My experience with ritual abuse is the taking away my "free will" was important to them. You would have to ask those involved what exactly they thought the power they were getting was. I can't speak for them I can only speak for what I have survived and what I remember.

    I have no problem with your coming here and posting. I just don't want this blog to become a forum so you can spew your agenda. I have yet been able to find this "proof" that ritual abuse doesn't occur. All I have come up with is that just because some people believe it is debunked then it doesn't exist. Why aren't you open to the fact that this occurs? What do you gain from arguing that it doesn't?

    My point of this posting you commented on was to say that I as a survivor never and I repeat never have I had any type of therapy that according to FMSwordF web page would leave them to believe that my memories aren't real.

    My going to boy chat has nothing to do with trying to get people arrested. Although if that was an outcome I wouldn't be upset. I don't post there period and I would never waste my time trying to convince a pedophile that what they are doing is wrong. From my research they don't think what they are doing is wrong. What I am doing is to bring to light that these types of forums are available for pedophiles to discuss their love of boys, to find support from other pedophiles about their beliefs and to share this with my readers. Child sexual abuse is wrong and needs to be stopped. I found out about TOR on boy chat and felt it was important enough to post. Have a Merry Christmas my you have the reason for the season in your heart. Rosie

  3. Hi Rosie,

    This is Gaian Guy, but for some reason Google ID doesn't want to let me use that name on your blog. I'm not Doug Mesner - he lives in Eastern USA and I live thousands of miles away from there, as our IP addresses would demonstrate - but believe whatever you wish to.

    Because I have been involved in lobbying for the rights of victims - especially child victims - to be respected in the Justice System, for compensation funds for victims of violence, and for special sentencing penalties when a crime against a person is motivated by bigotry and hate, I have a RESPONSIBILITY to challenge claims of victimization – when such claims involve allegations of criminal wrong-doing by a racial, ethnic, religious or social subculture.

    Your use of the phrase "ritual abuse" suggests that your own claims of victimization could fall into this category - but I haven't decided if that is the case, yet.

    Your new claim, that a "cult believed that if they took away my free will as a child it would give them power", is even more offbeat and unlikely than the previous claim. If this "cult" really exists, it's beliefs and practices needs to be studied by law enforcement as well as specialists in forensic anthroplogy, sociology and religious studies - that's the only way to prevent the group having more victims in the future.

    Since you profess to know nothing about this cult, other than that they abused you, it will be necessary to interview the other members to obtain this information. You have an obligation to provide the names of these persons, if you have knowledge that they committed criminal acts. Please post their names on your blog, as well as sending them to the FBI.
