In his last teaching role the man taught 5- and 6-year-olds.
Photo / Thinkstock

In his last teaching role the man taught 5- and 6-year-olds. Photo / Thinkstock

A convicted sex offender at the centre of a ministerial inquiry for teaching in primary and secondary schools had a strong online presence with up to six aliases - all variations of the name under which he taught.
Suppression orders prevent the man being named and include suppression of the six aliases.
He claimed online his iwi affiliations were Te Arawa and Tuhoe and advertised himself as a potential candidate for adopting in the US.
The man was convicted in 2004 on three counts of indecent assault and two of common assault on his 14-year-old nephew and was sentenced to two years in jail.

 A warrant for his arrest was granted in May 2004 and he allegedly evaded arrest until late 2009.
In 2010 he was issued with a renewed supervision order but it appeared he trained as a teacher, obtained provisional teacher registration under a new name until August 2013 and managed to secure teaching positions.
It is believed he trained under a fake name because he wouldn't have been granted entry into teacher training or employment.
The man was provisionally registered as a teacher. Provisional teachers are fully registered after two years of teaching, with an induction and mentoring programme provided by a fully registered mentor teacher.
In his last teaching role, the man taught 5- and 6-year-olds.
He was arrested on February 21 for breaching his extended supervision, which prohibited him being around persons under 16.
The man was living in Mt Eden with his partner at the time of arrest. The Herald on Sunday approached the man's partner for comment on an alleged adoption the pair had sought in the US and a further open adoption the suspect talked about online, but he declined.
Online, the accused alleged he was able to briefly adopt a child in New Zealand but said the mother decided to take the child back after she formed a bond with it.
"I was so angry when I received a phone call two weeks later from the mother weeping. I tell you it was so hard to give [the child] back to her mother," he wrote. He claimed in the same post he already cared for other children, including nieces and nephews.
The Ministry of Social Development said it could not comment on whether the man had a formal adoption in New Zealand, as he had claimed online.
It said the man was being investigated under the inquiry but would not say if the alleged adoption would be investigated under the inquiry.
Meanwhile, it has been revealed a New Plymouth primary school did not inform parents that paedophile Bruce Charnley was living opposite the school, because of privacy issues.
paedophile Bruce Charnley , said the school was right to listen to the police and not disseminate the information.
By Kate Shuttleworth | Email Kate