Thursday, March 8, 2012

Couple jailed for child abuse charges dating back 40 years

I have to say this story made me smile. Smile you may ask for a story about child sexual abuse, yes. Why? Because these two thought they got away with their pedophile crimes and they didn't. That makes me smile. So for all of the other child predators out there who think that they are safe because their victims never came forward I hope your shaking in your boots. I give these survivors a lot of credit for coming forward. I know it must have been hard but look what they accomplished. They made them be held responsible for the despicable things they did. These predators will both be in jail and due to their health will probably die there. I am very surprised that the FMSwordF didn't come to their defense and claim that these victims/survivors memories weren't accurate. FMSwordF is pretty quite lately I hope this continues. Rosie

Friday 9 March 2012
Husband and wife Linda Jeffrey, 62, and Andrew Jeffrey, also 62, pictured outside Newcastle Crown Court today where they were both jailed in relation to a series of sex attacks carried out by Mr. Jeffrey through the 1970s and 80s.   Linda was sentenced to six years for aiding and abetting an indecent assault and eight cruelty charges, while Andrew was convicted of 11 indecent assault and two of cruelty, and jailed for a total of eight years Husband and wife Linda Jeffrey, 62, and Andrew Jeffrey, also 62, pictured outside Newcastle Crown Court today where they were both jailed in relation to a series of sex attacks carried out by Mr. Jeffrey through the 1970s and 80s. Linda was sentenced to six years for aiding and abetting an indecent assault and eight cruelty charges, while Andrew was convicted of 11 indecent assault and two of cruelty, and jailed for a total of eight years
A COUPLE have been jailed for sickening child abuse charges dating back over 40 years.
Linda Jeffrey knew her husband Andrew was responsible for a series of sex attacks on children in the 1970s and 80s but did nothing to stop him and made no attempt to report what she knew.
Newcastle Crown Court heard she was even present when her husband carried out one of the offences on a young girl.

 The married pair, both now 62, of Cuillin Close, Lambton, Washington, had denied any wrongdoing but were found guilty of a series of charges by a jury after a trial.
Judge David Wood yesterday jailed Andrew Jeffrey, who was convicted of 11 indecent assaults and two of cruelty, for a total of eight years.
The charges related to three victims.
Linda Jeffrey was jailed for six years after being found guilty of aiding and abetting an indecent assault and eight cruelty charges.
These related to six victims.
Judge Wood told her: “I am quite sure you knew your husband was indecently assaulting girls between 1971 and 1985 and you did nothing to stop it.
“Indeed on one occasion you were present.”
The court heard at the time of the offences, Linda Jeffrey was a user of hard drugs and she would give narcotics and alcohol to youngsters and show them pornography.
The pair were brought to justice when the victims broke their silence and reported them.
The judge said: “None of them wanted to come forward and re-live their experiences but they all felt they had to.
“None of them could tolerate the idea history would repeat itself and you would harm another child.”
The court heard both defendants are in poor health and defence barristers said they will suffer more than most in prison.
Twitter: @SunderlandEcho

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