Saturday, January 28, 2012

Priest jailed in Germany for years-long child sexual abuse Updated from the blog post 1-12-12

This story was discussed on this blog on January 12, 2012. The Preist received his sentencing and only got six years. 
The article implies that his 6 year sentencing is harsh. I say it isn't long enough. He sexually abused children over 240 times. What does this say to the children who were abused? Ruining my childhood, taking away my right to develop my sexuality on my own is only worth 6 years.

I can speak from experience that when a child is sexually abused it is a life sentence. I will be 51 years old soon and I am still dealing with aftermath of surviving childhood sexual abuse. It seems only right that if a child has to suffer a life sentence then those who are charged and convicted should get life sentences as well. In 6 years that Priest gets out of prison and will still has a life. He won't have to be dealing with the emotional, physical and psychological effects of having a trusted adult violate the most sacred part of him. Yes, he will have the stigma of being a sexual offender but I don't believe that what he will suffer with that label comes close to what his victims have suffered and will continue to suffer. Rosie

Priest jailed in Germany for years-long child sexual abuse

A German court jailed a Roman Catholic priest for six years Thursday after convicting him of 250 counts of sexually abusing three boys over a seven-year period, an official said.
The 46-year-old priest, who was arrested in July, admitted during the trial to sexually abusing the boys, aged nine to 15, whose families the priest knew, a court spokesman said.

"Due to the high number of cases of sexual abuse, many of which were cases of aggravated abuse, he was handed a total sentence of six years," the spokesman said.
Prosecutors at the state court in the northern German city of Brunswick said one of the victims had been abused 243 times between 2004 and 2006 after the priest befriended him and his widowed mother.
Sexual abuse of all three boys sometimes took place during weekend sleepovers and on short trips, the prosecution said.
Diocese officials welcomed the verdict and said the priest would also face prosecution under Church law.
Pope Benedict XVI, who is German, met victims of sexual abuse by priests during a visit in September to Germany, which was rocked in 2010 by revelations that hundreds had been molested mainly in Catholic institutions decades ago.

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