Friday, January 27, 2012

Elkhart woman sentenced to 30 years for sex acts with children, Michigan man Steven Demink conned moms to sexually abuse their own children

I had to take time to process this story. Apparently this man Steven Demink lured women into sexually abusing their own children. He did this through on-line dating sites. He never met any of these women they just communicated with him via the internet. He told these women he was a psychologist and could help their children. I think this man is scum but for petes sake WHAT THE HECK WAS WRONG WITH THESE WOMEN????????????

Why would any mother in her right mind do things someone told them to do over the internet? If some jerk asked me to touch my children inappropriately I would have called the police and turned him in.  I am very glad that these women are being held accountable for their actions. I am sorry for these children that they had to suffer what they suffered. While this man was a pedophile predator who was able to pick out very vulnerable women, we should not just feel sorry for these women that he took advantage of them. We most definitely should feel sympathy for these children and the families who are helping these children pick up the pieces.

Can you imagine what theses children are going to have to live with the rest of their lives? For a man their mother never met, their mother did inappropriate things to them. One of my biggest pet peeves as a mother, is a mother who would choose a man over her children. I think that is another disgraceful thing that is done to children. To be honest father's do it to. Abandoning children is terrible. Although the reality is that they are better off without a parent who doesn't really want them. When I had started dating again after the divorce from my children's father I met a man who wanted me to choose him over my children. That ended that relationship. I pray that all of these children are getting the help they need. Exasperated, Rosie

Posted: 01/26/2012 at 12:30 pm
by: Emily Monacelli
Autumn Marchant ¬ Arrested in child molestation case ¬ 5/26/11

An Elkhart woman who admitted to molesting a young boy on camera at the request of an online acquaintance was given a 30-year prison sentence today. Ten of those years are to be served on probation.

Autumn Marchant, 36, of 1417 Columbus Drive pleaded guilty in November to child molesting, a Class A felony.

Elkhart Superior Court 3 Judge George Biddlecome said he was reluctant to accept the plea agreement but understood why prosecutors did not want to put the victims through the ordeal of testifying at trial.

Marchant faced a maximum 20 years in prison under a plea deal. Biddlecome commended Deputy Prosecutor Susan Snyder and defense attorney Sarah Creagan on coming to terms on the plea agreement.
Marchant’s sister, Trinity Hughes, who has custody of the children, said in court, “At first the sentence of 20 years seems like a long time, but after having custody of the children for 15 months,” she understood the impact the crimes have had on them. “We (the family) all feel strongly that she needs help,” Hughes said.

The acquaintance, who Marchant knew as “Dalton St. Clair,” was really Steven Demink. Demink admitted six federal counts — three of sexual exploitation of children and three of coercing females.

Marchant had engaged the child “in sexually explicit conduct” and showed the behavior to Demink, according to court records. Marchant told Biddlecome in November St. Clair promised her a stable home and money if she performed the acts. Marchant told officers she started out posing nude for Demink on camera, but eventually involved an 8-year-old boy and an underage girl, according to court documents. Those documents show her online relationship with the man started in late 2008.

Michigan man Steven Demink conned moms to sexually abuse their own children: authorities

A sicko who admitted to sexually exploiting children somehow managed to persuade the kids' own mothers to carry out his twisted fantasies, authorities in Detroit said Monday.
Prosecutors said one-time car salesman Steven Demink targeted vulnerable single moms through online dating websites, then through Web chats and emails, claiming he was a
and promising his sex therapy would help their troubled children.
His therapeutic suggestions allegedly included having the women be nude with their children as well as perform sexual acts with them.
In one case, Demink -- who used the alias Dalton St. Clair -- started online chats with an Oregon woman about the sexual development of her 8-year-old autistic son, The Associated Press reported.
The 41-year-old told the unidentified woman to engage in sexually explicit conduct with her son as a way to teach him about sex, according to the plea agreement. She did as instructed while he watched on a Web camera.
In other cases, the mothers would send Demink photos showing them abusing their children, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Several of those mothers since have been arrested and all of the children -- who ranged in age from 3 to 15 -- were taken into protective custody. Demink is accused of having communicated with women in several states, including New Hampshire, Florida, Illinois, Florida, Oregon and Georgia.
Demink's alleged scam went on for nearly a year, until a mother of one of the women in Idaho reported their conversations to authorities in December 2009.
"I don't know how he wrangled her in," Eileen Schwab said, according to The AP. "She could have turned off the computer and gone the other way. He must have had a power over her."
Her daughter pleaded guilty last May to lewd conduct with a child under 16 and is currently in prison.
Demink told prosecutors he convinced the women that he was a single parent, just like them and had one 14-year-old girl, court documents said. He met the females through websites such as and used head shots of male models in place of his actual picture.
In truth, Demink worked as a car salesman for several months before spending five years working at a bank, prosecutors said. He later worked for the Immigration and Naturalization Service and spent only two years in college.
Demink pleaded guilty Monday to six charges related to the sexual exploitation of children. He faces 15 years to life in jail. Seven other charges were dropped as part of his plea deal.
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